Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 7, Figuring it Out

First full day at home, going to restart the mail, and pick up the last week's from the post office, then to the kennel to get the dogs. That should be interesting, so to will be managing them at the house. Calley, the white collie, will be fine, she is the mellowest, most gentle dog I have ever known. Alba, the smooth, sable and white is just over a year, and still pretty rambunctious, she can sometimes get into a room to room grand prix with Doughall the tri, male. We do have an "x" gate on the living room but I know Doughall is perfectly capable of jumping it. Not really worried about this, just something tp be sure to have thought out ahead of time.
Meals are the next thing on my personal checklist, many people have said they will be bringing food while Lis recovers but, I figure, I need to be prepared if on any given day no one does. I figure I'll start a crock pot meal in the morning, on each of the next 4 or 5 mornings, then if it's not needed freeze it, so we have a back up supply. Lunches are kind of a mystery to me at the moment, any suggestions for these would be appreciated. I'm thinking soup and sandwiches are pretty much a lunch time standard but, I also want to make meals interesting, and enjoyable, as Lis is not going to be doing much else for a while. Breakfasts are no problem, I got that, omelets, scrambled eggs, toast, will help with the "protein rich" diet Dr. Al Meftie emphasized.
The Decadron (anti-inflammatory steroid) taper starts today with the last dosage 2 days away. Lisa's activity level since getting home has been surprisingly high, she sat up at the computer for 2 hours last night, and has been over there catching up on stuff for the last 3 hours today, so far it doesn't seem excessive, but I'll be keeping a close eye on her.
Lisa is currently doing extremely well both physically, and psychologically, it was a rough moment last night when she got her first good look in mirror without bandages on but, like I told her before, I have never seen anyone make looking like hell, look so stunningly wonderful.



  1. You are an amazing couple and team. Keep up the great work and thank you for the continued updates. I'm so relieved that Lis is doing so well and that you Kev are so patient and truly loving of your lady. In the midst of trauma true love prevails and shines healing light. Love Cris

  2. Happy for y'all being back at home. It sounds like you're in great hands Lisa. Kevin, you're going to turn into a chef. Sounds like a busy day.

    Take care.

  3. Im soo glad you guys are home!! Kevin seems like you have everything under control :) Your an amazing man for an amazing woman! glad she has you (I cant say that enough!) Hope your time getting adjusted is calm and smooth sailing!! I think about you guys all the time!!!

  4. I agree with what all the others said. Also on your agenda, Kevin, some time to just sit, since you didn't get to do that much last week. We just went to the town to buy another lantern and gas can to prepare for the storm that is supposed to happen around Monday. Hope you are all set, as well as can be.
